In order to record the part in your native language you need a translation of the material. One word of advice - although we are all masters of our own language, putting the translated sentences into exact words of your native tongue requires time and energy. It is best to rely on professional translators. The best scenario is to have parallel texts for both native and foreign material you are about to memorize (in addition to the audio version of the foreign part). If not, then you would have to do the translation yourself.
To record the translation part:
Configure your sound card to record from the microphone.
Go to your native language directory, and use record utility mentioned before.
% cd /home/English/Segment12/Russian % record -o ru12_
record starts recording with the offset 0. To align, make dummy first recording by hitting space bar twice. Read your translation sentence at a time into the microphone. At the end you will have a parallel sequence of translation in your native language:
% rm ru012_000.wav % ls ru012_001.wav ru012_010.wav ru012_019.wav ru012_028.wav ru012_002.wav ru012_011.wav ru012_020.wav ru012_029.wav ru012_003.wav ru012_012.wav ru012_021.wav ru012_030.wav ru012_004.wav ru012_013.wav ru012_022.wav ru012_005.wav ru012_014.wav ru012_023.wav ru012_006.wav ru012_015.wav ru012_024.wav ru012_007.wav ru012_016.wav ru012_025.wav ru012_008.wav ru012_017.wav ru012_026.wav ru012_009.wav ru012_018.wav ru012_027.wav